Welcome to the Moss Lane Allotment Association web site
Applying for an allotment
Allotments are very popular, in fact there is more demand than we can cope
So, M.L.A.A. has to operate a waiting list, which is fair to everybody.
Anybody can apply for an Allotment, but you must be over 18 and resident in
SEFTON (proof will be requested).
Please do not under estimate the amount of work needed to keep an
allotyment in good order. People who do not keep their allotment in good
order are asked to leave the site.
Allotments can become available at any time of year, but normally most
become available at the start of the year (when annual fees are due)
The wait can be quite a few years, depending on the availability of plots.
But, once you are on the waiting list you will keep that position and gradually
rise up the list until you are the next person to be invited to join us. If you
decide you no longer want to be on the list please just let us know!
It is important that we have fully up-to-date contact details for people on the
list, because we will only make two attempts to contact people once they are
at the top of the list. (by email, mobile phone and landline)
If we email you or try to contact somebody on the waiting list and they do not
reply, we won’t chase anybody!
Our current waiting list is below, identified by post code and initials only.
Composting ……It’s good for the soul !